
This blog receives regularly the visit of strange well-wishers, never really attuned to the subject of the post they supposedly “praise”.
I am sorry, but their “comments” are always trashed (except one, up to now).
I used to be very severe about the phenomenon and in August last year, I wrote on the subject a post called “Crooks“. Today they make me laugh and I often pity them for being so awckward.

That they should speak in English about a post written in another language (generally French) is not a difficulty. English is so convenient, even if it is frequently maimed. I wonder if they understand the language used in the post ; I should be happy, pleased, proud, etc. to see the universality of this language… The point is that they don’t realize the subject of the post.
For instance, there are several commentaries on the post : “Sonate pour violoncelle et piano.” Noone seems to have noticed that it is about music and that the name “Debussy” is often used. Is it so difficult to see that the name “Debussy” is the same in English, and so is “sonate“, with the same meaning as in French ?
Another example are the comments on the post “Dorothée“. Of course, poetry is a difficult subject… but is the name Baudelaire so unknown ? The post introduces a “chauve-souris” (bat in English). That is really difficult. What is the poor animal doing here ? And why is the last question using the verb “jouir” (meaning : having sexual pleasure) ?
Examples could be multiplied.
I prefer to remain speechless.

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